Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Think Before You Post

We hate to love it and love to hate it. Well at least I do... and it seems businessmen all over the nation are on the same page.

Content posted to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and even MySpace can live FOREVER. Let me repeat this for those of you that don't believe me, f.o.r.e.v.e.r.  

American businessman, investor, film producer, and owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban says, "letting posts live forever is the biggest mistake people can make on social media". See what else he urges users to stop doing on social media and what he thinks the future of social media will hold in the video below.

Every tweet, retweet, post, repost, pin, repin, like or comment define who you are and applications are being created that collect every bit of that and create a profile about you. Sooner or later, all companies will be using such applications and easily make hiring and recruiting decisions based on the user's presence on their social media profiles.

However, this is the good news. If users can make it a choice to use their social media pages as their own personal brand and think before they post, then these future applications will only benefit them on their journey to success. 

The bad news is that the majority of users have yet to make this conscious decision.They do not understand that their wall post to a friend is not an intimate conversation but able to be viewed by millions; they do not understand that the picture they posted intoxicated at a party can be screenshot and saved forever; they do not understand that social media is a tool, not a toy and that it can be an asset to help build a reputation for yourself, team and community and lastly, they do not understand that nothing is truly private.

So...What should I post?

1. Say thank you.
 2. Support others. 
3. Share news and humor.

4. Engage in discussion with those you admire.

5. Post anything consistent with your personal brand.

Do you have any advice to give to social media users? I'd love to hear it. Hope these few tips encourages all of you, athlete or not, to THINK before you POST! :)


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